Research on academic blogging: what does it reveal?

I have written previously on this blog on the pros and cons of using social media for academic work, including a discussion of why I blog and what I have learnt from using these media. As part of a chapter on the digitised sociologist that I am working on for my Digital Sociology book, I have been reviewing other people’s research on academic blogging.

Numerous accounts of using social and other digital media for professional academic purposes can be found on websites such as the LSE Impact of the Social Sciences and The Guardian’s Higher Education Network. Some more traditional academic articles have also been published in journals on these topics. These accounts have identified some interesting trends and implications.

Academic blogging has been described as ‘conversational scholarship’, a means by which academics can attempt to loosen their formal style of writing as part of communicating to a wider audience (Gregg 2006). It is argued that the practice forces academics to think about their research and writing in new ways, bearing in mind the multiplicity of potential audiences and the ways readers can respond to the material presented (Kitchin 2014, Kitchin et al. 2013). Some bloggers use their writing as a way of developing ideas and seeking engagement with others before they formalise their ideas into a more traditional academic piece (Adema 2013, Carrigan 2013, Daniels 2013, Estes 2012, Gregg 2006, Maitzen 2012). This use of social media for developing scholarly writing and ideas has been described as being an ‘open source academic’ (Carrigan 2013).

Several scholars discussing academic blogging have noted that they often serve the purpose of sharing information and providing advice as part of a gift economy of producing material to share freely with others. From this perspective scholarship and knowledge are not viewed as a marketable commodity but rather as a social good (Adema 2013, Gregg 2006, Hall 2013a, 2013b, Mewburn and Thomson 2013). Here the general sharing ethos and participatory democracy that are viewed as characteristic of social media engagement more generally are interpreted in a more specialist academic context.

Academic blogs and other forms of writing on digital platforms are also beginning to challenge scholarly publishing modes and invent new forms of publication. Blog posts are now often cited in more traditional academic forums, some scholarly journals are incorporating blogs, multimedia or open access repositories as part of their online presence and academic presses are experimenting with new digital modes of publication, including shorter online book formats with faster than usual turn-around times between acceptance of the manuscript and publication. Scholarly publishing is developing as hybrid and multiple, drawing both on legacy forms of publishing and on novel modes introduced by digital formats and platforms.

Public digital scholarship practices such as blogging are also sometimes represented as overtly political and resistant acts. It is argued that these types of practices allow for scholars to experiment with digital publishing and engagement at the same time as resisting the dictates of the scholarly publishing industry and producing new forms of knowledge dissemination (Adema 2013, Gregg 2006, 2009). The content itself of blog posts, Twitter comments and other social media communications may be directly political, with these tools providing a forum for academics to challenge government policies and programs (Kitchin 2014, Kitchin et al. 2013, Wade and Sharp 2013). They can also provide an opportunity for academics to share their frustrations about higher education procedures and policies and their own experiences as academic workers (Adema 2013, Gregg 2006, 2009, Mewburn and Thomson 2013).

On the negative side, blogging opens up academics to great public scrutiny, not only from their peers but from any other audiences. As I noted in a previous post on the risks of using social media for higher education work, some academic bloggers have found themselves the target of trolling, sexual harassment and even threats of violence in response to their public writing. This is particularly the case for members of marginalised or disadvantaged groups, such as women and racial or ethnic minorities. Those academics who express their opinions on controversial issues or who challenge powerful institutions or commercial interests are also often the target of comments questioning their professional integrity, as well hate messages and even death threats (Academic Freedom and Electronic Communications Draft Report 2013, Chapman 2012, Cottom McMillan 2012, Kitchin 2014, Kitchin et al. 2013, Wade and Sharp 2013).

Academics themselves using digital media as part of their professional identities need to think carefully about how best to manage their private and public personae when doing so: how formal their self-presentation is, to what extent they make personal comments about themselves or others, the nature of images of themselves that they upload, to what extent they allow or respond to comments from others (Barbour and Marshall 2012). The freedom of expression that forums such as blogs and social media sites offer academics can also be the cause of their downfall. Several cases exist involving the censure or disciplining of academics for statements that they made on social media sites of which their university disapproved (Academic Freedom and Electronic Communications Draft Report 2013).

Posting one’s work on online media may be considered a risky practice because of the loss of control that eventuates. Academics need to be aware of the multitude of ways in which the content created by one author or group of authors may be re-used and transmitted via different modes of publishing (reblogged or excerpted on other people’s blogs, tweeted in tiny ‘grabs’, commented upon and so on). In receiving wider dissemination in the public forums afforded by the new digital technologies, scholarly writing may develop ‘a social life of its own’ (Beer 2013, Beer and Burrows 2013) as it circulates in these forums and control over it is lost by the author.

The possibilities of plagiarism have also been raised by some academics as a risk of engaging in digital public scholarship. Some academics who blog have noticed that their content has been used by others, sometimes verbatim, without any form of attribution to its original source. This experience has led them to reconsider the benefits of blogging (see, for example, an account by Williams 2013).

Some writers have commented on the vulnerability that social media engagement such as blogging may engender in scholars who are used to formal academic writing styles and traditional procedures of publishing, in which one’s writing is vetted by one’s peers before it reaches an audience and people outside academic do not have the opportunity to comments on one’s research (Estes 2012, Gregg 2006, Kirkup 2010, Kitchin et al. 2013, Maitzen 2012). Quite simply, engaging as a digitised public scholar may be too confronting for some academics.

In the early years of academic blogging, there was often suspicion of the practice on the part of other academics, and people who maintained blogs were in some cases discriminated against when seeking tenure or promotion or otherwise viewed with disdain for being self-aggrandising or wasting time (Gregg 2006, Kirkup 2010, Maitzen 2012). Although negative views of academic blogging have certainly not disappeared, they appear to be slowly changing as universities seek to prove that they are engaging with the public and conforming to open access mandates and policies. Indeed some academics are now concerned that in the quest to achieve community engagement and impact, universities will begin to pressure academics to use social media tools, albeit under restrictive guidelines developed by the university and in the interests of anodyne public relations rather than challenging ideas or engaging in political activism (Mewburn and Thomson 2013). In a workplace in which many academics are already feeling overworked and under continuing stress to produce research publications as well as attract students (Burrows 2012, Gill 2010), such demands may be viewed as unreasonable.

The research and commentary reviewed here outlines a diversity of perspectives on academic blogging, many of which are relevant to academics’ use of other social media as part of their professional work. The benefits of blogging are clear, but so are the potential pitfalls in what has been a largely under-researched practice. More research and scholarship is required as part of mapping how academic blogging is undertaken, how it might be changing in response to other developments in higher education and the broader politics of the practice.

Academic Freedom and Electronic Communications Draft Report (2013): American Association of University Professors.
Adema, J. (2013) Practise what you preach: Engaging in humanities research through critical praxis. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 16 (5), 491-505.
Barbour, K. and Marshall, D. (2012) The academic online: constructing persona through the World Wide Web. First Monday, (9). Accessed 27 September 2013. Available from
Beer, D. (2013) Public geography and the politics of circulation. Dialogues in Human Geography, 3 (1), 92-95.
Beer, D. and Burrows, R. (2013) Popular culture, digital archives and the new social life of data. Theory, Culture & Society, 30 (4), 47-71.
Burrows, R. (2012) Living with the h-index? Metric assemblages in the contemporary academy. The Sociological Review, 60 (2), 355-372.
Carrigan, M. (2013) Continous publishing and being an open-source academic. Accessed 22 December 2013. Available from
Chapman, S. (2012) Hate mail and cyber trolls: the view from inside public health. The Conversation, Accessed 3 August 2013. Available from
Cottom McMillan, T. (2012) Risk and ethics in public scholarship. University of Venus, Accessed 4 August 2013. Available from
Daniels, J. (2013) From tweet to blog post to peer-reviewed article: how to be a scholar now. Accessed 11 December 2013. Available from
Estes, H. (2012) Blogging and academic identity. Literature Compass, 9 (12), 974-982.
Gill, R. (2010) Breaking the silence: the hidden injuries of neoliberal academia. In R. Flood and R. Gill (eds) Secrecy and Silence in the Research Process: Feminist Reflections. London: Routledge, 228-244.
Gregg, M. (2006) Feeling ordinary: blogging as conversational scholarship. Continuum, 20 (2), 147-160.
Gregg, M. (2009) Banal bohemia: blogging from the ivory tower hot-desk. Convergence, 15 (4), 470-483.
Hall, G. (2013a) About Media Gifts Accessed 7 August 2013. Available from
Hall, G. (2013b) The unbound book: academic publishing in the age of the infinite archive. Journal of Visual Culture, 12 (3), 490-507.
Kirkup, G. (2010) Academic blogging: academic practice and academic identity. London Review of Education, 8 (1), 75-84.
Kitchin, R. (2014) Engaging publics: writing as praxis. Cultural Geographies, 21 (1), 153-157.
Kitchin, R., Linehan, D., O’Callaghan, C. and Lawton, P. (2013) Public geographies through social media. Dialogues in Human Geography, 3 (1), 56-72.
Maitzen, R. (2012) Scholarship 2.0: blogging and/as academic practice. Journal of Victorian Culture, 1-7.
Mewburn, I. and Thomson, P. (2013) Why do academics blog? An analysis of audiences, purposes and challenges. Studies in Higher Education, 38 (8), 1105.
Wade, L. and Sharp, G. (2013) Sociological Images: Blogging as public sociology. Social Science Computer Review, 31 (2), 221-228.
Williams, L. (2013) Academic blogging: a risk worth taking? The Guardian, Accessed 13 December 2013. Available from

37 thoughts on “Research on academic blogging: what does it reveal?

  1. Thank you for this insightful post. I started a blog last september as a way to inform a broader public on the added value of social sciences on topics I work on as a researcher. Academic writing seems to be more and more an hermetic exercise unable to be read by non specialists. It’s a pleasure to be able to exchange with professionals on their practice and how my research can shed a new way of explaining them.

  2. I am wondering how to set up social science research.commentary blog/twitter to get worthwhile academic debate “out there”. Any ideas for where, how to start? Tx peter

    • Hi Peter – maybe check my previous blog posts under the topic ‘social media for academia’? I also highly recommend checking out the LSE Impact of the Social Sciences blog. There’s a wealth of information and commentary there on using blogs and Twitter etc for research impact.

  3. Pingback: Deborah Lupton on academic blogging | Thinking culture

  4. Thanks, as always, for your insightful posts. i have to say that in my own blog, in line with Gregg’s observations, I am trying communicating to a wider audience. I prefer traditional means (journals, books) for the serious academic stuff, but I find the blog a fabulous place to: let people know about the serious stuff (ie; announce and summarise publications), and to reach out to students, clinicians and a wider public.

  5. Pingback: Results from the AAS Member Survey - The Academic Surgeon

  6. Great post, Deborah. I am coming to the view that traditional publishing (writing a paper, seeing it through peer review, waiting for its appearance in a paid-for journal and then hoping that others pick it up and make use of it) may no longer be enough. Blogging, tweeting and other means of communicating are helping change scholarship into something which is both more engaged and public. The academic article still exists, sure, but increasingly is preceded by more informal blogposts as ideas are developed, is formally published in green or gold open access form, and once in the public domain is blogged, tweeted and talked about. My experiences of using a blog [] in this way, from the end of 2012 onwards, have been entirely positive. I have uploaded articles to my employing university’s institutional repository, written posts about them with embedded links to the full text and then tweeted to draw attention to the lot. Over time my blog has also become a place I use to comment more generally on my field.

  7. Absolutely, yes (seeing how difference forms of digital publishing interrelate). I suspect I am using only a fraction of the tools available, but they work together well enough for me at the mo’.

  8. Pingback: New learning analytics community, digital pedagogies, reasons to keep blogging: what sheila’s seen this week | howsheilaseesIT

  9. Pingback: Morsels For The Mind – 17/01/2014 › Six Incredible Things Before Breakfast

  10. Nice overview. Although you mention it briefly, I think it is important to stress that blogging shouldn’t be viewed as “just” public outreach, or a way to popularize/advertise more traditional work. As far as I understand, the goal of an academic isn’t publishing papers but developing and sharing knowledge. Blogging should be embraced as part of this workflow, a way to share ideas with your peers as you develop them and to foster collaboration. This is already done to an extent in the mathematics and theoretical computer science communities, most notably through efforts by Terrance Tao and Tim Gowers such as the polymath projects.

  11. Pingback: URLs of wisdom (January 19th 2014) | Social in silico

  12. Pingback: Raison d’être | The Dissident Porn Scholar

  13. Pingback: Conditionally Accepted | Please Blog Responsibly

  14. Thank you for your blog posts Deborah, they have been very helpful –

    In this post you discuss the need for managing a public and private personae, and the risks of blogging including potential for plagiarism, potential for public scrutiny, and loss of control – do you have any advice or suggestions as to how to prevent, minimise or deal with these issues before or as the come up in the context of being an early career researcher?

    Are these issues likely to be different depending on your intended audience (e.g. academics, lay people). The reason I ask is because I am a hearing PhD student looking to start a professional blog to make my research (which focuses on social constructions of deafness) more accessible to Australians living with deafness and hearing loss (e.g. having content in both English and Auslan).

    • Hi Danielle

      I think that to some degree, we simply have to accept some of the risks I have raised, as trade-offs for the benefits we gain from blogging. Many bloggers have not experienced any of these negative aspects, while some have. I would simply advise that you remember at all times that your blog posts are public and accessible to all, including your academic supervisors and potential employers, and to write with a highly professional demeanour and attempting to make your posts well-written. If you wish to direct your posts at a less academic audience, that is perfectly fine, but remember to combine accessibility with appropriate academic rigour: i.e. don’t make claims of your research that you wouldn’t in an academic publication and that the quality of writing is high.

      • Yes I agree, we just have to accept the risks and that is definitely good advice to keep in mind – thanks Deborah!

  15. Pingback: This Sociological Life: A great blog for academics using social media! | Dr Anna Tarrant

  16. Great Work!!!, IU must say, writing for an academic blogs is effective mode to target a wide range of audience. You have given a very brief and nice overview that such blogging should not be considered as a public outreach only. It is medium to share knowledge. I do the same for sharing my knowledge with help of online libraries like, even for the topics on which i do not have very vast knowledge, but such libraries help a lot. I appreciate your efforts. !!! good Job.

  17. Pingback: Thoughts on academic blogging, again | Achilleas Kostoulas

  18. Pingback: Impact of Social Sciences – Focus and credibility will help academic blogs thrive but negative perceptions must be challenged.

  19. Pingback: Time To Reflect | sensei

  20. This was a really interesting blog post! Academic blogging has been extremely useful for me during my time at university, especially when I have attempted to do research on emerging research areas that are under explored in already existing literature. For example I did a research project at university on how drone warfare is shaping hegemonic masculinity in the military and if if I hadn’t been able to use what was already out there on academic blogs I would have had to abandon my research project since aside from blogs there is little academic literature on this topic.

    • Thank you! I agree that academics blogs can be the place to present cutting-edge research – it’s a great way to get ideas and research findings out there very quickly. I often reference blog posts as academic references and I know others have done this for my blog too.

  21. Pingback: What is academic blogging and how can you use it to build your professional profile? |

  22. Pingback: Blogging, open science and the public intellectual | Theory, Evolution, and Games Group

  23. Pingback: How can publishing through blogs assist me now in my academic studies? – keren.fatoki(17427822)

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  25. Pingback: How can publishing through blogs assist me now in my academic studies? – keren.fatoki 17427822

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